Risk Management and Insurance

BAF 421 – Risk Management and Insurance
Lecturer: Dr. Abubakar Karaye  Ph.D., CMS (London), CMC, FIMC, DFCFM (USA), ADAA, MBA (Finance), BSc

Reading List

Rejda. G. E., McNamara. M. J., and Rabel. W. H., (2022). Principles of Risk Management and Insurance. 14th Edition, Pearson.

Saunders. A., and Cornett. M. M.,  (2008). Financial Institutions Management Risk Management Approach. 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill.

◦rath. A., (2008).The Complete Guide to Risk Management, International Payments and Currency Management, Bonds and Guarantees, Credit Insurance and Trade Finance. 2nd edition, Kogan Page.

Weeks Download Lecture Note
Week 1 Course Overview
Week 2 Introduction to Risk
Week 3 Managing Risk
Week 4 Insurance and Risk
Week 5 Types of Insurance
Week 6 Final exam Questions Bank
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Final Exam

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